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Antique Folk Art

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Antique #1071850
Antique #1044483
Antique #1051786
Antique #1098975
Antique #1121360
Antique #1044459
Antique #1048077
Antique #1119802
Antique #1119913
Antique #1049863
Antique #1049844
Antique #1121139
Antique #1063268
Antique #1044456
Antique #1095524
Antique #1060206
Antique #1120347
Antique #1076693
Antique #1063735
Antique #1049839
Antique #1044589
Antique #1047732
Antique #1047406
Antique #1044626
Antique #1044461
Antique #1049841
Antique #1044462
Antique #1050007
Antique #1049858
Antique #1050045
Antique #1148208
Antique #1047592
Antique #1049861
Antique #1044457
Antique #1044466
Antique #1044467
Antique #1126130
Antique #1095525
Antique #1047244
Antique #1121598
Antique #1047002
Antique #1049761
Antique #1102864
Antique #1051973
Antique #1063928
Antique #1044511
Antique #1044458
Antique #1121760
Antique #1128879
Antique #1044720
Antique #1123086
Antique #1121798



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The second option is "Anywhere in Title". Using the same search phrase "federal card table" you will get search results that have those three words in the title, in any order. This is a looser search result and will generally return more items.

When deciding on a search phrase keep in mind that your phrase must be in the title of an item in our database in order for your search to generate results.

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