» Antiques  

Antique Show/Event Details

Show Name : Antiques At The Fairgrounds
Address 1 : Iowa State Fairgrounds
Address 2 : 3000 E. Grand Ave
City : Des Moines
State : Iowa
Zip : 50319
Country : USA
Contacts : Collectors Extravaganza Corp.
Phone : 515.262.6714
Website  : www.collectorsextravaganza.com
Date From : November, 12
Date To : November, 14
Hours : Friday 5pm to 9pm Saturday 10am to 6am Sunday 10am to 5pm
Location : Iowa State Fairgrounds
Description : Since 1969, the Walt Johnson family has been producing Iowa's top shows for Antique Buyers and Specialty Collectors. In 2005, the Johnsons moved their trademarked show to the Iowa State Fairgrounds. What a great move! Buyers and sellers alike are delighted with the location, the venue and most of all with the great selection of antiques and vintage collectibles!
