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Price : $285.00
A print by Picasso "Nude Woman In A Red Chair", Labels noted: Picasso Louvre Museum Paris. in period gilt wood frame, normal wear, slightly yellowing spots, invisible from  More »
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Price : $41000.00
Henry Ryland 1856 1924 large signed full nude (very scarce) Tempera over colour conte.signed by artist 15 x 23 inches in mat 21 x 29 inches condition very good indeed... this  More »
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Price : $10000.00
Hanna Nagel 1907 1975 large nude self-portrait, flanked by a drawing each from Hermann Gehri (important German artists) Very scarce, and very rare signed dated self-portrait,  More »
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Price : $3900.00
Female nude; 2010; 28 in. x 39 in. x 4 in. deep. Pastels on tinted paper in a vintage 1920s four-corner gilded solid wood&plaster deep shadow-box frame.
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Price : $5900.00
Pastels on black board, 2011, 37 in. x 43 in. x 1.5 in. deep (with frame); In a black and gold shadow-box frame.
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Price : $6000.00
Art Deco Robert Duflos "Reclining Nude" pastel on paper, signed lower right: Robert Duflos (Robert Louis Raymond Duflos b. 1898). 17.5" x 31.5"
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Price : $6000.00
Art Deco Robert Duflos "Reclining Nude" pastel on paper, signed lower right: Robert Duflos (Robert Louis Raymond Duflos b. 1898). 17.5" x 31.5"
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Price : $3150.00
Nude portrait of a woman with a bun hair do singed Thelma Hope Paddock 1898-1991. Featuring beautiful believe to be watercolor pastel drawing painting. The colors are  More »
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Price : $3800.00
Beautiful oil painting by Valery Panteleenko (1947-2006) Size 60 x 40 inches
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Price : $3800.00
Beautiful oil painting by Valery Panteleenko (1947-2006) Size 60 x 40 inches
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