Art (paintings, prints, frames)

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Price : $1800.00
Oil painting on canvas representing a farm scene with chicken, peacock and turkeys. Signed A. Hoffmann in LLQ. The painting is in fine condition with some craquelure expected  More »
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Price : $1300.00
Antique Siamese watercolor on paper entitled Jujaka and Kanha, Jali returned to Sivi. After the old Brahmin was lost in the forrest, the Gods guided the path to him. He and  More »
 Asian Art
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Price : $1300.00
19th. century Japanese woodblock print triptych featuring a kabuki theater play representing samurai near sea shore. Signed Gototei Kunisada Ga. Published by Maru-ya Seijiro  More »
 Asian Art
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Price : $1300.00
19th. century Japanese woodblock print triptych featuring a mounted horseman military in a battle scene (Russo-Japanese war). It represents the actor Onoe Kikugoro and is  More »
 Asian Art
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Price : $300.00
Chinese scholar's stone with exquisite surrealistic natural pattern of the stone. On custom wood pedestal. Probably the upside position might represent a landscape design.  More »
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Price : $550.00
Antique Indian miniature painting on manuscript paper representing Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in an audience at the imperial court. Additional photos available on request to  More »
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Price : $600.00
Mughal miniature painting on manuscript paper featuring Krishna and Radha in a cart driven by 3 women. Additional digital photos available on request to the interested buyer.  More »
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Price : $600.00
Antique Indian miniature painting on manuscript paper featuring a Mughal empeor in his harem with entertaining women. The painting is profusely decorated in gold. Additional  More »
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Price : $400.00
Antique miniature painting on carton representing the Mughal emperor Akbar seated on his throne and smoking hukka. This is a marvelous miniature painting with gold  More »
 Figures & Portraits
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Price : $350.00
Chinese scholar's stone with interesting surrealistic natural decor. In our opinion, it looks like a landscape with yellow sand dunes or stone conglomerates under a gray sky.  More »
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