Ancient Near East
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Thisancientvotivesealwasdiscoveredwithacacheofsimilarartifactsalongtheshoresof Lake Van.Evokingthedawnof More »
Thisancientvotivesealwasdiscoveredwithacacheofsimilarartifactsalongtheshoresof Lake Van.Evokingthedawnof Westernculture,theseapparentlywereofferingsattheshrineofsomepowerfulgod.Thisunknowndeityappearstohavebeenassociatedwithfertilityandrebirth Thedesignthatadornstheofstoodinproxyformorecostlysacrifices.Pressedintosoftclayorwax,theywouldhavecreatedmultipleimagestowinthefavorofthegod.Carvedwithanabstractsimplicitybutanobservanteyetowardnature,thestarkvisuappealofthispieceistimeless Thesesealsrepresentdreams,hopesandaspirationsforhealth,success,andhappinessthatareasoldascivilizationitself.v-(D.0142)Engraved Votive Sealwithan Intaglio D.0142Origin:Lake Van,Anatolia Circa:4000BCto3000BCDimension1.75(4.4cm)highx1(2.5cm)widex75"(1.9cm)depth Collection:Near Eastern Style:Neolithic Medium: Dickite
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Ancient Near East
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Barakat Gallery |
405 North Rodeo Drive |
Beverly Hills |
California-90210 |
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Phone : 310.859.8408 |
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Thisancientvotivesealwasdiscoveredwithacacheofsimilarartifactsalongtheshoresof Lake Van.Evokingthedawnof More »
Thisancientvotivesealwasdiscoveredwithacacheofsimilarartifactsalongtheshoresof Lake Van.Evokingthedawnof Westernculture,theseapparentlywereofferingsattheshrineofsomepowerfulgod.Thisunknowndeityappearstohavebeenassociatedwithfertilityandrebirth Thedesignthatadornstheofstoodinproxyformorecostlysacrifices.Pressedintosoftclayorwax,theywouldhavecreatedmultipleimagestowinthefavorofthegod.Carvedwithanabstractsimplicitybutanobservanteyetowardnature,thestarkvisuappealofthispieceistimeless Thesesealsrepresentdreams,hopesandaspirationsforhealth,success,andhappinessthatareasoldascivilizationitself.v-(D.0147)Engraved Votive Sealwithan Intaglio D.0147Origin:Lake Van,Anatolia Circa:4000BCto3000BCDimension1.75(4.4cm)highx1(2.5cm)widex75"(1.9cm)depth Collection:Near Eastern Style:Neolithic Medium: Dickite
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Ancient Near East
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Barakat Gallery |
405 North Rodeo Drive |
Beverly Hills |
California-90210 |
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Phone : 310.859.8408 |
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This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van. Evoking the dawn of Western culture, these apparently were offerings More »
This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van. Evoking the dawn of Western culture, these apparently were offerings at the shrine of some powerful god. This unknow deity appears to have been associated with fertility and rebirth The design that adorn the of stood in proxy for more costly sacrifices. Pressed into soft clay or wax, they would have created multiple images to win the favor of the god. Carved with an abstract simplicity but an observant eye toward nature, the stark visual appeal of this piece is timeless These seals represent dreams, hopes and aspirations for health, success, and happiness that are as old as civilization itself. v-(D.0148) Engraved Votive Seal with an Intaglio D.0148Origin: Lake Van, Anatolia Circa 4000 BC to 3000 BC Dimension1.75(4.4cm) high x 1(2.5cm) wide x 75"(1.9cm) depth Collection: Near Eastern Style:Neolithic Medium: Dickite « Less
Ancient Near East
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Contact Info : |
Barakat Gallery |
405 North Rodeo Drive |
Beverly Hills |
California-90210 |
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Phone : 310.859.8408 |
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This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van.Evoking the dawn of Western culture, these apparently were offerings at More »
This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van.Evoking the dawn of Western culture, these apparently were offerings at the shrine of some powerful god. This unknown deity appears to have been associated with fertility and rebirth The design that adorns the of stood in proxy for more costly sacrifices. Pressed into soft clay or wax, they would have created multiple images to win the favor of the god. Carved with an abstract simplicity but an observant eye toward nature, the stark visual appeal of this piece is time less These seals represent dreams, hopes and aspirations for health, success, and happiness that are as old as civilization itself. v-(D.0150) Engraved Votive Seal with an Intaglio D.0150 Origin: Lake Van,Anatolia Circa: 4000 BC to 3000 BC Dimension1.75(4.4cm) high x 1(2.5cm) wide x 75"(1.9cm) depth Collection: Near Eastern Style: Neolithic Medium: Dickite « Less
Ancient Near East
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Contact Info : |
Barakat Gallery |
405 North Rodeo Drive |
Beverly Hills |
California-90210 |
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Phone : 310.859.8408 |
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This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van. Evoking the dawn of Western culture, these apparently were offerings a More »
This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van. Evoking the dawn of Western culture, these apparently were offerings a the shrine of some powerful god.This unknown deity appears to have been associated with fertility and rebirth.The design that adorns them—of birds, animals, cult idols—probably stood in proxy for more costly sacrifices. Pressed into soft clay or wax, they would have created multiple images to win the favor of the god. Carved with an abstract simplicity but an observant eye toward nature,he stark visual appeal of this piece is timeless. These seals represent dreams, hopes and aspirations for health, success, and happiness that are as old as civilization itself.- (D.0151) Engraved Votive Seal With An Intaglio D.151 Origin:Lake Van, Anatolia Circa:4000BCto3000BC Dimension1.75(4.4cm)highx1(2.5cm)wide x 75"(1.9cm)depth Collection:Near Eastern Style:Neolithic Medium: Dickite
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Ancient Near East
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Contact Info : |
Barakat Gallery |
405 North Rodeo Drive |
Beverly Hills |
California-90210 |
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Phone : 310.859.8408 |
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This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along _the shores of Lake Van. Evoking the dawn of Western culture, these apparently were offerings More »
This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along _the shores of Lake Van. Evoking the dawn of Western culture, these apparently were offerings at the shrine of some powerful god. This unknown deity appears to have been associated with fertility and rebirth The design that adorns the of stood in proxy form or ecostly sacrifices. Pressed into soft clay or wax, they would have created multiple images to win the favor of the god. Carved with an abstract simplicity but an observant eye toward nature, the stark visual appeal of this piece is timeless These seals represent dreams, hopes and aspirations for health ,success, and happiness that are as old as civilization itself. v-(D.0152) Engraved Votive Seal with an Intaglio D.0152 Origin: Lake Van,Anatolia Circa: 4000 BC to 3000 BC Dimension1.75(4.4cm) high x 1(2.5cm) wide x 75"(1.9cm) depth Collection: Near Eastern Style:Neolithic Medium: Dickite « Less
Ancient Near East
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Contact Info : |
Barakat Gallery |
405 North Rodeo Drive |
Beverly Hills |
California-90210 |
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Phone : 310.859.8408 |
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This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van.Evoking the dawn of Western culture, these apparently were offerings at More »
This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van.Evoking the dawn of Western culture, these apparently were offerings at the shrine of some powerful god. This unknown deity appears to have been associated with fertility and rebirth The design that adorns the of stood in proxy form or ecostly sacrifices. Pressed into soft clay or wax, they would have created multiple images to win the favor of the god .Carved with an abstract simplicity but an observant eye toward nature ,the stark visual appeal of this piece is timeless These seals represent dreams,hopes and aspirations for health, success, and happiness that are as old as civilization itself. v-(D.0153) Engraved Votive Seal with an Intaglio D.0153 Origin: Lake Van, Anatolia Circa: 4000 BC to 3000 BC Dimension 1.75(4.4cm) high x 1(2.5cm) wide x 75"(1.9cm) depth Collection: Near Eastern Style: Neolithic Medium: Dickite « Less
Ancient Near East
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Contact Info : |
Barakat Gallery |
405 North Rodeo Drive |
Beverly Hills |
California-90210 |
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Phone : 310.859.8408 |
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This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van.Evoking the dawn of Western culture,these apparently were offerings at More »
This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van.Evoking the dawn of Western culture,these apparently were offerings at the shrine of some powerful god. This unknown deity appears to have been associated with fertility and rebirth The design that adorns the of stood in proxy for more costly sacrifices.Pressed into soft clay or wax, they would have created multiple images to win the favor of the god. Carved with an abstract simplicity but an observant eye toward nature, the stark visual appeal of this piece is timeless These seals represent dreams ,hopes and aspirations for health,success,and happiness that are as old as civilization itself. v-(D.0154) Engraved Votive Seal with an Intaglio D.0154 Origin: Lake Van,Anatolia Circa: 4000 BC to 3000 BC Dimension1.75(4.4cm) high x 1(2.5cm) wide x 75"(1.9cm) depth Collection: Near Eastern Style: Neolithic Medium: Dickite « Less
Ancient Near East
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Contact Info : |
Barakat Gallery |
405 North Rodeo Drive |
Beverly Hills |
California-90210 |
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Phone : 310.859.8408 |
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This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van.Evoking the dawn of Western culture these apparently were offerings at More »
This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van.Evoking the dawn of Western culture these apparently were offerings at the shrine of some powerful god. This unknown deity appears to have been associated with fertility and rebirth The design that adorns the of stood in proxy form or ecostly sacrifices .Pressed into soft clay or wax, they would have created multiple images to win the favor of the god. Carved with an abstract simplicity but an observant eye toward nature ,the stark visual appeal of this piece is timeless These seals represent dreams,hopes and aspirations for health, success, and happiness that are as old as civilization itself. v-(D.0155) Engraved Votive Seal with an Intaglio D.0155Origin: Lake Van,Anatolia Circa: 4000 BC to 3000 BC Dimension1.75(4.4cm) high x 1 (2.5cm) wide x 75"(1.9cm) depth Collection: Near Eastern Style:Neolithic Medium: Dickite « Less
Ancient Near East
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Contact Info : |
Barakat Gallery |
405 North Rodeo Drive |
Beverly Hills |
California-90210 |
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Phone : 310.859.8408 |
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This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van.Evoking the dawn of Western culture ,these apparently were offerings at More »
This ancient votive seal was discovered with a cache of similar artifacts along the shores of Lake Van.Evoking the dawn of Western culture ,these apparently were offerings at the shrine of some powerful god. This unknown deity appears to have been associated with fertility and rebirth The design that adorns the of stood in proxy for more costly sacrifices. Pressed into soft clay or wax ,they would have created multiple images to win the favor of the god. Carved with an abstract simplicity but an observan eye toward nature, the stark visual appeal of this piece is time less These seals represent dreams, hopes and aspirations for health, success, and happiness that are as old as civilization itself. v-(D.0156) Engraved Votive Seal with an Intaglio D.0156 Origin :Lake Van, Anatolia Circa: 4000 BC to 3000 BC Dimension 1.75(4.4cm) high x 1(2.5cm) wide x 75"(1.9cm) depth Collection: Near Eastern Style:Neolithic Medium: Dickite « Less
Ancient Near East
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Contact Info : |
Barakat Gallery |
405 North Rodeo Drive |
Beverly Hills |
California-90210 |
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Phone : 310.859.8408 |