Antique Tiles

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Price : $99.00
An early period tile from Harris Strong, the design of two fishes etched into the tile in sgraffito fashion, much like Edward Schier. The tile is double framed in black wood  More »
 Antique Tiles
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Price : $189.00
An early period pair of tiles from Harris Strong, the design of buildings etched into the tile in sgraffito fashion, much like Edward Schier. The tiles are double framed in  More »
 Antique Tiles
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Price : $8.00
Round Tile. Blue; white; yellow; brown; green. Ceramic. This round, hand-painted tile has a stylized floral design. The back has a cork surface and is stamped, Made in Spain.
 Antique Tiles
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Price : $1800.00
This set of three large plaques was made at the Karlsruhe Pottery. Each tile measures 13.25 inches tall and 18 inches wide. There are hanging holes that orient these  More »
 Antique Tiles
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Price : $680.00
Victorian, circa 1870 Minton Hollins & Co. Majolica tile decorated with a swallow in flight, a pink shell, green leaves and coral. Pale blue sea and sky above. Bright  More »
 Antique Tiles
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Price : $215.00
Victorian, circa 1880 Pair Minton & Co. Majolica tiles decorated with central flower, stylized leaves and twisted rope bands. Bright colorful glazes. Raised maker''s marks  More »
 Antique Tiles
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Price : $275.00
Victorian, circa 1870 Minton Hollins & Co. Majolica tile decorated with white and lilac flowers. Raised maker''s marks ''MINTON HOLLINS & CO. PATENT TILE WORKS STOKE ON  More »
 Antique Tiles
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Price : $225.00
Circa 1880 Onnaing Majolica square tile/stand decorated with a bird (goldfinch) perched on a thistle with a dragonfly hovering above. Cream ground. Cream reverse with  More »
 Antique Tiles
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83 William De Morgan “Ornate Bird” tile in green colourway 6" wide Circa 1880s Two touch ins from glaze frits
 Antique Tiles
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Price : $395.00
3130 William De Morgan 6” tile decorated in “Bedford Park” design
 Antique Tiles
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