Ancient Unknown

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Price : $3600.00
On this intricately and delicately engraved plaque one of the most beloved Saints offers us his benedictions. In his left hand he holds a book bearing the inscription: "In  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : Contact Dealer
In the center of this remarkable icon, the face of Christ looks upon us with loving compassion, while two angels peer over His nimbus. Beginning upper left clockwise, the  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : Contact Dealer
Jesus Christ said of St. John the Baptist, "Among those who are born of women there is not a greater prophet." (Luke VII.28). About 27 B.C. John emerged from the desert to  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : $6500.00
Within their realistically modeled "garments" of gilt silver the Virgin and Child are shown as the infant Jesus offers His benedictions with right hand raised. His mother  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : $9000.00
This icon was once owned by the hospital of the St. Virgin the Healerin St.Petersburg.Accordingtothestoryassociatedwith it, a friar of the church of Nazarene was very ill and  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : $9500.00
At the center of this very lovely icon stands the much-adored Prince Alexander ("Nevsky"). He is portrayed as both a great military leader and a saint; a national hero who  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : $9600.00
This exquisite icon is an embodiment of the pictorial tradition of early Russian medieval art. Four Russian saints are positioned in pairs on either side of the Archangel  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : Contact Dealer
The imagery on this handsome icon is done in the "Lubok" style, which retained the highly stylized quality of Byzantine iconography. On the central panel of the upper section  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : Contact Dealer
Three images of the Virgin Mary holding the infant Jesus comprise the central theme of this fascinating icon. The inscription at the top reads, "Comfort me in my sorrows, the  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : $9000.00
St. Nicholas, known as the "Second Redeemer", is one of the most important and popular saints in the Russian Orthodox Church. His good works and exemplary life led to his  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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