Antique Porcelain & Pottery

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Price : $600.00
Victorian, circa 1860 Staffordshire clock group modeled as three sheep around a clock face. Two recumbent sheep either side and one standing above the clock. Bunches of  More »
 Antique Figurines & Statues
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Price : $600.00
Victorian, circa 1860 Pair Staffordshire seated black and white spaniels. Dull gilt collar, locket and chain. Vent hole to reverse and underside. Good. Slight rubbing to  More »
 Antique Figurines & Statues
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Price : $600.00
Victorian, circa 1890 Staffordshire figure depicting a boy and girl standing side by side on an oval base entitled ''GEORGE MULLERS ORPHANS BRISTOL'' in black indented  More »
 Antique Figurines & Statues
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Price : $600.00
Victorian, circa 1870 Majolica bread platter molded as four corn cobs laid in a basket. Ochre center with a border of green corn leaves molded around the rim. Brown and cream  More »
 Antique Platters & Trays
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Price : $600.00
Victorian, circa 1880 Royal Worcester Majolica vase in the form of a cornucopia on a rocky base. Coral and seaweed hold the sheel upright. Pink interior, cream underside  More »
 Antique Vases
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Price : $600.00
Victorian, circa 1850 Staffordshire creamer in the form of a russet and white cow standing on a shaped, ochre lined base with all four legs molded free. A milkmaid is  More »
 Antique Figurines & Statues
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Price : $600.00
Victorian, circa 1860 Pair Staffordshire figures, each modeled as a gent on horseback. Both horses are rearing up over a rocky base. One gent is sat upright holding the reins  More »
 Antique Figurines & Statues
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Price : $600.00
Victorian, circa 1860 Pair Staffordshire figures of a russet and white Newfoundland dog, both standing on an oval base. Four legs and tail molded free. Dull gilt collar with  More »
 Antique Figurines & Statues
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Price : $600.00
Victorian, circa 1860 Pair Staffordshire figures of a boy and girl sat bare foot on a rocky ledge, each with one arm around a sheep which is standing beside them. Recumbent  More »
 Antique Figurines & Statues
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Price : $600.00
Victorian, circa 1890 Pair Staffordshire free standing St. Bernard''s with dark orange glass eyes. Tan and cream coats. Bright gilt collar and locket. Two vent holes to  More »
 Antique Figurines & Statues
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