Ancient Unknown

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This elegant amphora, designed for the storage of liquids, has a wide flaring lip and a narrow neck and base. The obverse depicts a dancing draped female clutching a mirror  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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This wide-mouthed bell krater depicts a dancing draped female on the obverse. Wearing a sakkos, with a tambourine in her outstretched left hand and a fillet in the right,  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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The obverse of this lively bell krater depicts two draped dancing females, perhaps Maenads, and two dancing satyrs. The females wear ivy wreaths in their hair whilst the  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : Contact Dealer
The obverse of this charming bell krater depicts a seated draped female, holding a fan in her right hand and a phiale and a garland of rosettes in her left. She gestures  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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The obverse of this bell krater depicts a draped lady lifting a lamp to the top of a candelabra in the centre. To the left a seated draped female holds a candelabra with  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : Contact Dealer
This marvellously detailed bell krater depicts a naked, wreathed man in the centre of the obverse. Viewed in profile, this figure relaxes upon a bed of animal skins and holds  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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On the obverse of this bell krater a naked male, wearing a fillet in his hair, turns his head back towards a draped female wearing a sakkos. The male carries a laurel branch  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : Contact Dealer
The volute krater is named after its handles which terminate in rounded volutes at the lip. Originally designed for mixing wine with water, elaborately decorated vessels such  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : Contact Dealer
The obverse of this splendid vessel depicts a winged crowned female standing to the left of the central half column. She grasps a tambourine in her outstretched right hand  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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Price : Contact Dealer
The obverse of this charming bell krater depicts a dancing draped female wearing a sakkos. Her body is orientated towards the viewer’s right, whilst her head turns  More »
 Ancient Unknown
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