Antique Newspapers

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Price : $15.00
Robert Merry's Museum, Dec., 1841. Black; white. Paper. This issue is edited by S. G. Goodrich, William K. Vaill, N. Y.
 Antique Newspapers
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Price : $2.00
Harpers Magazine June 1933. Orange; black; white. Cardstock; paper. Europe Moves Toward War. Black and white ads. Harper & Brothers.
 Antique Newspapers
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Price : $5.00
Harpers Magazine November 1933. Orange; black; white. Cardstock; paper. Hitlerism Comes to America. Black and white ads. Color back cover ad for Dollar Steamship Lines.  More »
 Antique Newspapers
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Price : $30.00
Harpers Magazine September 1933. Orange; black; white. Cardstock; paper. What Hitler Wants by Leon Trotsky. Story by William Faulkner. Black and white ads. Harper & Brothers.
 Antique Newspapers
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Price : $15.00
Harpers Magazine March 1932. Orange; black; white. Cardstock; paper. Story by Stephen Vincent Benet. Black and white ads. Harper & Brothers.
 Antique Newspapers
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Price : $45.00
Puck Back Cover May 18, 1887. Oranage; black; brown; cream; gray; blue; green.. Paper. This cartoon, back cover is titled, "A Large Contract for Three Small Boys." It shows  More »
 Antique Newspapers
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Price : $2.00
Women Geniuses? Where are they?. Black; white. Paper. Article by Albert Edward Wiggam in Liberty Magazine, March 25, 1939.
 Antique Newspapers
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Price : $25.00
Time Magazine Covers, 1923-1982. Red; black; white. Paper. This special edition contains small reproductions of all Time covers.
 Antique Newspapers
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Price : $15.00
Robert Merry's Museum, Vol. I, 1841. Black; white. Paper. This issue is edited by S. G. Goodrich, William K. Vaill, N. Y.
 Antique Newspapers
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Price : $30.00
Merry's Museum Magazine, July 1857. Black; white; rose. Paper. This issue is edited by Rober Merry, Uncle Frank and Hiram Hatchet, J. N. Stearns & Co., N. Y.
 Antique Newspapers
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