Art (paintings, prints, frames)

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Price : $2300.00
356. Dutch oil painting of a very attractive lady in her Sunday best. Late 18th. to early 19th. century. Unsigned. 33in. by 30 1/2in (82cm by 76cm).
 Figures & Portraits
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Price : $1700.00
362. Swedish reverse painting on glass. The painting is of Stockholm in the 19th. century. The frame looks original. There is a small crack in the glass in the bottom left  More »
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Price : $6500.00
12. Painting of a French officer from the 1800-20 period. Before going into a battle officers would have their portraits painted in case they did not come back. Frame is old  More »
 Figures & Portraits
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Price : $1975.00
25. A pastel of a Hungarian Officer. Early 19th. century. Original painted frame. Some damage.
 Figures & Portraits
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Price : $585.00
423.American 1868 school study,three blue and brown birds under writing lesson repeating "Montgomery Moorland Milstown" or Sarah.Cloth backing in a salmon painted old  More »
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Price : $1500.00
 Figures & Portraits
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Price : $250.00
WONDERFUL ORIGINAL PONCINI... known for his paintings of clown faced children. Condition: Excellent; Circa: Circa 1970; Heigth: 25 in. (63.50 cm); Width: 22 in. (55.88 cm)
 Figures & Portraits
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Price : $15000.00
 Figures & Portraits
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Price : $1500.00
BEAUTIFULLY FRAMED OIL ON CANVAS BALLROOM SCENE... BY LUDWIG GSCHOSMANN (GSCHOSSMANN); Gschossmann, German born, 1894-1988; known for his wonderful ballroom scenes; signed,  More »
 Figures & Portraits
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Price : $250.00
19th CENTURY OIL ON BOARD... featuring a lake and mountain scene; signed HITCHCOCK; Condition: Good; Circa: Circa 1880; Heigth: 16 in. (40.64 cm); Width: 23 in. (58.42 cm)
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