Art (paintings, prints, frames)

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Price : $5.00
Engraving. Black and white. Paper. A Golden Day-Dream of Columbus.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $30.00
Chromolithograph of Columbus. Multi. Paper. Columbus' Return From The New World. Copyright 1892.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $5.00
Engraving. Black and white. Paper. Fonseca Before the Queen As A Protestant Against The Schemes of Columbus. Signed by the artist and engraver
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $5.00
Engraving. Black and white. Paper. Don Bartholomew's Cruel Destruction of Indian Villages. Signed A. Russell.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $20.00
Chromolithograph of Columbus. Multi. Paper. Death of Columbus. Coypright 1892.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $5.00
Engraving. Black and white. Paper. Dining Room of The French Colonists At Port Royal. Signed.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $5.00
Engraving. Black and white. Paper. Dealing Out The five Kernels of Corn.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $5.00
Engraving. Black and white. Paper. Importation of Wives For The Jamestown Settlers. Signed.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $30.00
Revolutionary War Chromolithograph. Multi. Paper. Putnam's Daring Ride. Copyright, 1892. Alonzo Chappel Pinx't.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $35.00
Revolutionary War Chromolithograph. Multi. Paper. Moll Pitcher--The Heroine of Monmouth. Copyright, 1892.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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