Art (paintings, prints, frames)

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Price : $50.00
Circular Playing Cards. Red; gold; multi. Cardboard; cardstock. The box of this round deck is marked, "Rondo Washingtons Circular Playing Cards.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $10.00
Chromolithograph from The Inland Printer. Yellow; gray; brown; cream. Paper. Titled, "The Door-Bell Rang With A Sudden Clamor." It is signed, M. Hennings, 05.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $10.00
Chromolithograph from The Inland Printer. Yellow; gray; brown; cream. Paper. Titled, "The Last Item In The Mortgage Sale." It is signed, F. DeForest Schook. It shows an  More »
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $10.00
Chromolithograph from The Inland Printer. Green; gray; black; white.. Paper. Titled, "The Moonshiners." It is signed F. DeForest Schook. It shows a woman on a ledge with a  More »
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $10.00
Chromolithograph from The Inland Printer. Multi. Paper. Titled, "Fraser Canon, Colorado." It show a man fishing. It is signed, Charles H. Harmon.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $10.00
Illustrated Story from The Century Magazine. Black and white. Paper. "King Solomon of Kentucky," by James Lane Allen has three signed illustrations by E. W. Kemble. Eleven  More »
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $15.00
Article and Engravings from The Century Magazine. Black and white. Paper. "Winchester Cathedral" by Mrs. Schuyler van Rensselaer with signed illustrations by Joseph Pennell,  More »
 Religious & Inspirational
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Price : $5.00
Article and Engravings from The Century Magazine. Black and white. Paper. "Wood-engravers in Camp," written and illustrated by Frank French.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $5.00
Article and Engravings from The Century Magazine. Black and white. Paper. "Painter-engraving," written and illustrated by W. B. Closson.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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Price : $5.00
Engraving from The Century Magazine. Black and white. Paper. Detail From The "Last Judgment," by Fra Angelico, engraved and signed by T. Cole, Frenze.
 Art (paintings, prints, frames)
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