Antique Paper Items

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Price : $30.00
Engraving from Harper's Bazar. Black; white. Paper. This centerfold is titled, "A Canine Aesculapius." From A Painting by J. C. Dollman. It is signed, "J. C. Dollman." It  More »
 Antique Postcards
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Price : $25.00
Engraving from Harper's Weekly. Black; white. Paper. This engraved centerfold is titled, "Bavarian Peasant Sports--Kegelbahn In The Highlands." It shows men bowling and a  More »
 Antique Paper Items
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Price : $35.00
Engraving from Harper's Weekly. Black; white. Paper. This centerfold is titled, "The Afghan War--Entry Of General Sir Samuel Browne Into Jelalabad." It is signed, "R. C.  More »
 Antique Postcards
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Price : $40.00
Engraving from The New York Illustrated Times. Black; white. Paper. This centerfold is titled, "A Flying Shot." It shows a mounted officer shooting into a building. It is  More »
 Antique Postcards
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Price : $50.00
Sports Illustrated 25th Anniversary. Multi. Paper. It contains 1,250 covers, 1954-1978.
 Antique Paper Items
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Price : $5.00
Advertisement from Fortune Magazine. Multi. Paper. This Old St. Croix ad shows a pirate and his parrot.
 Antique Postcards
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Price : $15.00
Inland Printer Cover, August, 1904. Mauve. Cardstock. The cover of this original issue is an illustration of a knight on horseback. It is signed, "O. W. Hoffman."
 Antique Postcards
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Price : $10.00
Illustration from Inland Printer. Black; white. Paper. This illustration is titled, "Idylls Of The Country--No. VIII, A Rainy Day Retreat." It shows a man in an attic reading  More »
 Antique Postcards
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Price : $5.00
Article from Pearson's Magazine. Black; white. Paper. "How Animals Sleep," by Louis Robinson, M. D. has sixteen illustrations signed, "S. T. Dadd."
 Antique Postcards
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Price : $5.00
Illustration from Pearson's Magazine. Black; white. Paper. This illustration is titled, "The Last charge of Prince Rupert. From the Painting by Stanley Berkeley." It is  More »
 Antique Postcards
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