Antique Stereocards

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Price : $69.50
BH GURNSEY STEREOVIEW OF PINE TREE PASS, WILLIAMS CANON, MANITOU COLORADO. Photographed and published by BH Gurnsey, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Condition: Very Good; Circa:  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $125.00
GREAT STEREOVIEW OF INDIAN CAVE DWELLERS OF NEW MEXICO... the view features an Native American Indian, sitting at the opening of a cave. Condition: Very Good; Circa: circa  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $13.00
SHARP AND CLEAR STEREOVIEW... featuring a young Victorian couple at bedtime. The caption reads: ''The Last in bed blows out the light'' Condition: Very Good; Circa: Circa  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $12.50
COMICAL STEREOVIEW... featuring a Victorian couple in the Parlor. The caption reads: ''Married Life as he found it'' Condition: Very Good; Circa: Circa 1900; Heigth: 3.5'';  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $12.50
VERY SHARP & CLEAR COMICAL STEREOVIEW... featuring a Victorian couple at bedtime. The caption reads: ''Home from the Club, he fears the storm'' Condition: Very Good; Circa:  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $395.00
GREAT STEREOVIEW BY GURNSEY... featuring adobe houses in the foregound, and the city of Sante Fe, New Mexico in the background. Condition: Very Good; Circa: Circa 1880;  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $95.00
GREAT STEREOVIEW BY GURNSEY... featuring a group of people standing below THREE FALLS, Cheyenne Canyon. Condition: Very Good; Circa: Circa 1880; Heigth: 4''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $14.00
SHARP AND CLEAR STEREOVIEW... featuring a young Victorian couple with their baby, sitting in their Parlor. The caption reads: ''After A Man''s married, his troubles begin''  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $650.00
WEITFLE STEREOVIEW... featuring a group of people standing outside two trains. The front reads: Buffalo Station East. The back reads: Stereoscopic Views of Colorado  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $395.00
WEITFLE STEREOVIEW... featuring a very long wagon train traveling through the UTE PASS, Colorado. The front reads: 107 - Indian Supply Train on the Ute Pass. The back reads:  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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