Vintage Posters

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Price : $160.00
Charles Dana Gibson - American 1867-1944 In Victorian times, illustrators for popular magazines had as much influence on people as movies and television do today. Just as we  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $225.00
''Hohlwein was the most prolific and brilliant German posterist of the 20th Century...Beginning with his efforts, Hohlwein found his style with disconcerting facility. It  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $175.00
Gazette du Bon Ton/French, circa 1920
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $175.00
Gazette du Bon Ton/French, circa 1920
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $450.00
Victor Prouve was a French artist born in Nancy in 1858. He was the son of a glassworker at the Galle factory. He showed his talent early and attended the national school of  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $4400.00
Vintage 1896 Poster/French - Poster Exhibition - Rare and Wonderful!
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $200.00
A poster, measuring approx. 24.5 x 38 inches, of Belgium, advertising its seaside, cities of art, folklore and the specific cities of Ardennes & Meuse, circa 1950. This  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $50.00
riginal color lithographic plate from 1914 - 1862-WOLF-1912 A threshing machine is shown amidst hay during harvest season. Colorful and pristine this lovely work was produced  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $50.00
Original color lithographic plate from 1914 - Teitz Propoganda A brass band celebrating a special, rural festival in the Savony town of Tietz, in the region of Chemnitz.  More »
 Vintage Posters
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Price : $75.00
Journal des Dames et des Modes/1914/French Journal des Dames et des Modes began publishing in 1912 and Barbier was made the principal illustrator for two of them. The  More »
 Vintage Posters
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