Antique Mens Jewelry

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Price : $700.00
For centuries, coral-- like pearl, a gift of the sea-- was classed among the precious gems valued by man. Not strictly a mineral, coral is an organic substance, composed of  More »
 Antique Mens Jewelry
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Price : $4800.00
Stunning hessonite garnet weighing 35.86 carats sculpted in the lively image of an orangutan head mounted in a beautiful 24 karat gold ring. The garnet was highly prized in  More »
 Antique Mens Jewelry
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Price : $1900.00
Minerals of the feldspar group, of which moonstone is one, constitute over half of the earth's crust, but nature only rarely yields them as gemstones. Remarkable iridescence  More »
 Antique Mens Jewelry
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Price : $1900.00
The garnet was highly prized in the Classical world. Its rich color, the reddish purple associated with royalty, made it especially sought after for jewelry. The garnet was  More »
 Antique Mens Jewelry
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Price : $6000.00
The name of this _exquisite purple quartz crystal comes from the Greek word meaning "not drunk" as the stone was believed in Antiquity to keep the wearer sober no matter how  More »
 Antique Mens Jewelry
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Price : $4500.00
The name of this _exquisite purple quartz crystal comes from the Greek word meaning "not drunk" as the stone was believed in Antiquity to keep the wearer sober no matter how  More »
 Antique Mens Jewelry
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Price : $4600.00
Aquamarine weighing 12.85 carats set in a ring of 18 karat gold. The ancient Egyptians believed that aquamarine quickened the intellect and made the wearer bath relaxed and  More »
 Antique Mens Jewelry
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Price : Contact Dealer
Aquamarine is a variety of the gemstone beryl, its name deriving from two Latin words meaning "water" and "sea." the history of aquamarine begins with the Greeks, who first  More »
 Antique Mens Jewelry
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Price : $3600.00
The Ancient Egyptians believed that aquamarine quickened the intellect and made the wearer both relaxed and fearless. A variety of the beryl family, the pale blue/green  More »
 Antique Mens Jewelry
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Price : $4800.00
The Ancient Egyptians believed that aquamarine quickened the intellect and made the wearer both relaxed and fearless. A variety of the beryl family, the pale blue/green  More »
 Antique Mens Jewelry
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