Antique Stereocards

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Price : $12.00
Great stereo view of baby sitting up with two kittens. In the background is a great half photo of a Victorian woman''s dress. Condition: very good; Circa: 1900; Heigth:  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $17.50
Prominent Washington Women that Will Help Feed the Armies of the Nation by Organizing Kitchen Economy Under Dr. Kay Lyman Wilbur. Condition: very good; Circa: 1918; Heigth:  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $9.50
The First Cloud. Condition: very good; Circa: 1896; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $12.50
Johnny is at it again trying to collect the eggs from the hen house. A cute, comical, stereoview card. Condition: very good; Circa: 1900; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $12.50
Darling little girl saying her prayers. Condition: very good; Circa: 1900; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $20.00
Mrs. McKinley in the Conservatory of the Executive Mansion, Washington, D. C. Condition: very good; Circa: 1900; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $9.50
Cute little girl and calf in the hay. Home Office and Works, Decatur, Ill. by C.L. Wasson Condition: good; Circa: 1901; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $9.50
Poor man left his happy home only to find out that the new girl is really bald and wears a wig. Great examples of Victorian furniture. Condition: very good; Circa: 1903;  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $12.00
Comical stereoview titled: The young farmer and his prize stock. This is remniscent of the everyday chore of young boys in days gone by. Condition: good; Circa: 1904;  More »
 Antique Stereocards
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Price : $12.50
Comical stereoview titled: ''Girls, It was a Horrid Crab.'' Condition: very good; Circa: 1900; Heigth: 3.5''; Width: 7''
 Antique Stereocards
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