Antique Textiles

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Price : $35.00
Cross-Stitch Silhouette. Black; cream. Linen; glass; wood. This framed needlework is done in black thread on linen. It is a profile of an 18th century women in a oval that  More »
 Antique Embroidery
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Price : $10.00
Hooked Rug Article from Woman's Day, aug., 1942. Black; white; multi. Paper. This eleven page article contains and identifiies many designs.
 Antique Embroidery
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Price : $20.00
Columbia Tapestry Embroidery, 1932. Multi. Paper. This catalog contains illustrations, designs and descriptions. Copyright 1932, Wm. H. Horstmann Company, Philadelphia.
 Antique Embroidery
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Price : $15.00
Crocheted Dollhouse Rug. Red; blue. Cotton Yarn. This round crocheded rug is in bands of red and blue. C. 1940.
 Antique Embroidery
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Price : $120.00
Doll House Double Bed. Brown; pink; blue; yellow. Wood; metal; cloth; silk. This Craftsman style, wood stained bed has a scalloped head and foot board with cut-out legs. It  More »
 Antique Embroidery
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Price : $15.00
Needlework Bookmark. Multi. Cardstock; wool. This petit point bookmark reads, Token of Friendship.
 Antique Textiles
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Price : $20.00
Family Circle, November 1976. Multi. Cardstock; Paper. This issue contains articles on gifts to make, embroidery and Disney needlepoint.
 Antique Embroidery
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Price : $20.00
Columbia Yarn Rugs, 1930. Multi. Paper. This catalog contains illustrations, designs and descriptions. Copyright 1930, Wm. H. Horstmann Company, Philadelphia.
 Antique Embroidery
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Price : $15.00
Crocheted Dollhouse Rug. Brown; blue. Cotton Yarn. This oval crocheted rug is in bands of brown and blue. C. 1940.
 Antique Embroidery
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Price : $10.00
Crocheted Dollhouse Doily. Peach. Cotton Yarn. This round doily has a scalloped edge and open work pattern. C. 1940.
 Antique Embroidery
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