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Price : $3795.00
Pre-Columbian, Moche III, northern Peru, ca. 400 AD. Terracotta bowl featuring a young nude female (her lack of breasts indicate a prepubescent female). The body of the  More »
 Ancient South America
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Price : $1495.00
Pre-Columbian, from ancient Peru, Chavin culture, ca. 900 BC. A blackware pottery stirrup vessel of simple ovoid form with gray-black surface; representing a type of fruit  More »
 Ancient South America
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Price : $2950.00
Pre-Columbian, northern Peru, Moche III, Ca 400 AD. Bi-chrome pottery vessel showing a warrior in the heat of battle. 8-1/2"H, professionally repaired with some refill of  More »
 Ancient South America
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Price : $995.00
A formidable weapon! Pre-Columbian, from the North Coast Of Peru, Chavin / Salinar Culture, ca. 2nd Century BC - 1st Century AD. Early mace head of black/brown hardstone,  More »
 Ancient South America
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Price : $3650.00
Pre-Columbian, from northern Peru, Nazca, ca. 200 AD. Indigenous pottery musical instruments that vary in size, tuning and style, and by comparison, these are huge! Each  More »
 Ancient South America
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Price : $5450.00
Rare to find almost matched pair! Pre-Columbian, Peru, Huari / Wari, Ca. 500 to 800 AD. Carved wooden depictions of human heads, with realistic detailing; painted red with  More »
 Ancient South America
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Price : $4950.00
Superb example! Pre-Columbian, Chavin, northern Peru, Ca 700 to 400 BC. An extremely rare stone carved figure in the form of a man, made from semi-precious Lapis Lazuli /  More »
 Ancient South America
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Price : $795.00
Pre-Columbian, Costa Rica, Ca. 200 - 1000 AD. Solid volcanic basalt mace head, and unlike so many of the ceremonial vessels, this one was made for battle! 5"D x 2-12"H",  More »
 Ancient Central America & Mexico
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Price : $1275.00
From ancient China, Han Dynasty, 206 BC to 220 AD. Grey earthenware beast, solidly molded, rendered squatting on haunches; with broad, rounded back; thick neck supporting  More »
 Ancient Asian
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Price : $1750.00
Fabulous decorative accent with a near-ancient twist... From Spain, 12th to 14th century AD. Carved and painted stone window from the days before glass was used for private  More »
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