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Price : $1195.00
Pre-Columbian, from Southern Mexico, Guerrero, Ca 500 BC. Nice long strand of jade / jadeite beads accented in center with small human head pendant. Each bead painstakingly  More »
 Ancient Jewelry
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Price : $895.00
Pre-Columbian, from Northern Peru, Chimu, Ca 1200 to 1400 AD. Silver kero used for drinking Chicha (Inca beer) made from hand-hammered sheet silver. Typical funnel-shaped  More »
 Ancient South America
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Price : $1195.00
Panama, ca. 500 to 1000 AD. Orangeware pottery pouring vessel nicely decorated with alternating panels of burnished ribs and applied black and white abstract pigmentation;  More »
 Ancient Central America & Mexico
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Price : $3450.00
Panama, Cocle, ca. 600 to 800 AD. Wonderfully decorated large polychrome pottery covered jar in a very abstract human form, with lid acting as head. 9"W x 9" w/ lid. Lid  More »
 Ancient South America
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Price : $395.00
Cute pottery figure from ancient Mexico, Veracruz culture, Classic Period, ca. 450 to 650 AD. Depicting a seated shaman looking as if in a trance, eyes closed, mouth open,  More »
 Ancient Central America & Mexico
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Price : $995.00
An outstanding example of Nazca art! Southern Peru, Ca 200 to 300 AD. Polychrome jar wonderfully painted with the Nazca Lord of the Under World clutching two small heads, his  More »
 Ancient South America
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Price : $625.00
Pre-Columbian, from west coast of Central America -Costa Rica / Panama, ca. 700-1500 AD. A depletion gilded tumbaga large-eyed frog pendant with beaded design/band on back,  More »
 Ancient Central America & Mexico
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Price : $1495.00
From ancient Peru, ca. 200 - 400 A.D. Wonderful Nazca polychrome vessel with a single stirrup spout on its back, colorful tail and head, breast decorated with white base and  More »
 Ancient Central America & Mexico
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Price : $1975.00
Extremely rare form! Pre-Columbian, Panama, ca. 1000 AD. Terracotta pedestaled plate (fruitero) with irregularly-shaped top, depicting a stylized serpent. Polychrome painting  More »
 Ancient Central America & Mexico
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Price : $450.00
Strand of Ancient Pre-Columbian Spindle Whorls and Bone Beads, from the Manabi region of Ecuador, dating between 200 B.C. and 500 A.D. Of varying shapes, sizes and forms,  More »
 Ancient South America
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