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Luristan bronze pin figure, of ‘master of the animals’ type, with a central female figure flanked by arms terminating in bulls heads, the shaft  More »
 Ancient Near East
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Neolithic Thai pot, of globular form with slightly flared lip, the surface with a combed pattern. Ban Kao type, circa 1500-2000 BC References: Provenance; from an  More »
 Ancient Asian
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Neolithic Thai pot, of thick bodied globular form with slightly flared lip, the surface with a combed pattern. Ban Kao type, circa 1500-2000 BC References: Provenance;  More »
 Ancient Near East
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Ancient Persian bronze armlet, the terminals with a slight flare and engraved with rings and a triangular pattern. Iranian, sharing similarities with Luristan pieces, Circa  More »
 Ancient Near East
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Moche stirrup vessel, modelled as an eagle with a snake in its beak, on a rectangular plinth base with stirrup mouth to the rear. Circa 500 AD References: The Moche  More »
 Ancient South America
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Roman bronze brooch, the unusual form having a central protruding boss with four satellite dish forms filled with traces of colourful enamels. Original pin to  More »
 Ancient Roman
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Alabastron ointment vessel, carved from a piece of alabaster, with slightly bulbous body and flared rim. Persian, Circa 5th century BC References: This form differs from  More »
 Ancient Near East
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Interesting pottery figure of a reclining female diner, a phiale dish in one hand, the other supporting the now-lost head, dressed in a flowing chiton. Greco-Egyptian,  More »
 Ancient Egyptian
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Hellenistic pottery model of a dove, shown perched with tail down, a hole at the base for mounting, with traces of original pigments remaining. Canosan, South Italian, 4th  More »
 Ancient Greek
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Hellenistic pottery small sized model of a dove, of stylized plump form, shown perched with tail fanned out behind, with major traces of original pigments  More »
 Ancient Greek
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