Cordial Medoc 1920s - For Sale

Cordial Medoc 1920s
Price: $575.00
LeMonnier, Henri
22,5 x 30,5
The simplicity of Art Deco never fails to grab our attention: product placement is front and center, colors are used to their fullest and the message is loud and clear. What's not to like? Henry Le Monnier produced many fine works in both posters and comics, but we like this one the best - it is clean, elegant, and kind of makes you want to reach for the nearest bottle of Cordial Medoc (which, I believe, is still made). Although Henry Le Monnier was mainly a poster artist and illustrator (for example, on Louis Desnoyers's 'Les Aventures de Robert-Robert' and Gilbert DupŽ's 'La Route d'Honolulu'), he was also active in the comics field. Born in Paris, Le Monnier studied drawing and painting at the ƒcole Pilon and at the School for Decorative Arts in this city. As a poster artist, he worked for printers like Lutecia (1923-32), Joseph Charles (1934-43) and Gaillard (1934-54). In addition, he pursued a career in illustrating. He was present in Fantasia, Le Sourire, Le Journal Amusant, L'Oeuvre and Marianne during the 1920s and 1930s. This poster is in excellent condition, measures 22.5 x 30.5 inches, and is linen backed.

Art (paintings, prints, frames)
Vintage Posters
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471, Rue St. Francois Xavier
Québec-H2Y 2T1
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