Fine 20th C Oil Painting ''The Presidential Range, New Hampshire'' Francis Orville Libby - For Sale

Fine 20th C Oil Painting ''The Presidential Range, New Hampshire'' Francis Orville Libby
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Fine 20th C Oil Painting ''The Presidential Range, New Hampshire'' Signed By Artist: Francis Orville Libby Oil On Canvas 30'' X 25'' Signed Lower Left, Libby Francis Orville Libby was born in Portland, Maine on August 7, 1883. After attending Princeton University, he returned to Portland where he was very active as a painter and photographer. He was a member of the Salamagundi Club, the Portland Society of Artists, the North Shore Art Association, Boston Society of Arts & Crafts and the Haylofters of his native Portland. He exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, The Art Institute of Chicago, Baltimore Watercolor Club, Portland Society of Artists, Boston Art Club, the Ogunquit Art Center and the North Shore Art Association and the Salamagundi Club of New York. Excellent Condition

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