Contemporary Vermont Artist - John C. Pitcher - A New Days Promise Framed 18 X 22 Excellent - For Sale

Contemporary Vermont Artist - John C. Pitcher - A New Days Promise Framed 18 X 22 Excellent
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Contemporary Vermont Artist - John C. Pitcher - "A New Days Promise" -Artist's Reg. #470 Excellent Condition Oil On Hardboard - Image size 12 x 16" (Framed size 18 x 22") Location: Missinaibi River, Ontario, Canada - Morning Light One Of A Series Of 8 Paintings From A Wilderness Canoe Trip On This River. I Can Think Of Many Locations In This World Of Ours Which Capture The Beauty Of The "A New Days Promise" Artist: John C. Pitcher - Vermont signed LR Price $3200 The is the same price you would pay the artist directly if you wanted to purchase it directly from him. We Accept Cash, Check, Master Card, Visa, & American Express Stock # RT0421001

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