Adolphe Monticelli Grotto oil painting; main influence Vincent Van Gogh 1851 - For Sale

Adolphe Monticelli Grotto oil painting; main influence Vincent Van Gogh 1851
Price: $5000.00
Adolphe Monticelli ~ Grotto signed oil on canvas ~ wonderful oil by one of the most influential artists of all time. Vincent van Gogh and his brother were collectors of the artist, and actually made a catalogue of the artis's work. Vincent called him a visionary, and stated to merely finish with his work what Monticelli had started. Monticelli himself, always stated he was way ahead of his time, and people would learn to value his work at a later date. Some curators todate have argued against the artist, but my argument is always: would you take Van Gogh's word or a contemporary curator\'s word? One classic mistake made in regards to Monticelli's art is to not view in in light of the time he lived. A true pre-impressionist. Fabulous art, the colour of the sky jumps at you; thereby one can sense the sheer energy in the work. A true visionary!
Good auction results, in museums around the globe

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Seller Details :
Ivo Marc de Galan
15 Wyandot Ave
Algonquin Island
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Phone : 14162038608

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