Inseparable from the liturgical tradition, religious art is seen by Orthodox Christians as a form of pictorial confession of faith and a channel of religious experience. Because the icons provide direct personal contact with the holy persons represented on them, these images were objects of veneration, in either a public or private setting, and were even believed to have the ability to heal.This icon represents one of the more popular scenes of Russian Orthodox iconography, made famous by Andrei Rublev, the most celebrated Russian Icon painter. It is a depiction of the three angels who appeared to Abraham near the oaks of Mamre in Genesis 18:2-15. The angels are seated at a table, underneath an oak tree that rises out of a cliff. Abraham and his wife Sarah are seen to the left emerging from an architectural structure. All figures wear halos, signifying their sanctity. The vibrant hues of this composition, bright oranges, deep blues, and soft greens, reveals the luminosity that characterizes much icon painting; but that unfortunately time and yellowing varnish have often faded. This painting allows us to appreciate the beauty of both the painting itself and the subject matter. - (PF.5693)
Antiquities Ancient Unknown