c. 1st Century A.D.
Carved from fine white marble, the roman god Bacchus (Dionysos in Greek) is depicted with weight on his left leg, naked except for an animal skin draped over left shoulder, mounted.
14.25 inches (36 cms) high.
Custom wood stand, shipping and Certificate of Authenticity included in price.
Export Approval from Israel Antiquities Authority.
Bacchus (Greek Dionysos) was the god of wine. Consequently he was seen as the personification of the life force of the vine and vegetation and the earth's fertility. He was a volatile god whose rites were celebrated in an ecstatic and orgiastic fashion. His female devotees were the Maenads (Bacchantes) and their drunken and lascivious male counterparts were the Satyrs (Fauns). Drunken old Silenos was also a member of his retinue. Nowhere in ancient literature is the passion and fury of Dionysos better articulated than in Euripides tragedy, "The Bacchantes," (ca. 406 BC). Where Dionysos and the women of Thebes exact a terrible revenge on young prince Pentheus for his failure to pay homage to the god.
Antiquities Ancient Roman