Terracotta Aquamanile in the Shape of a Bird - PF.7004 - For Sale

Terracotta Aquamanile in the Shape of a Bird - PF.7004
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Terracotta Aquamanile in the Shape of a Bird - PF.7004, Origin: Central Asia, Circa: 900 AD to 1100 AD, Dimensions: 6" (15.2cm) high x 7" (17.8cm) wide, Collection: Islamic Art, Style: Islamic, Medium: Terracotta. Aquamanile in the shape of an anthropomorfised composite creature, possible depicting the legendary buraq, made of red earthenware, the entire body covered with a white slip on which the decoration was painted in brown red. The body of the fantastic steed is used as the container, while the tail, with a wide and lobed opening was used as a filling hole. There is a tiny opening on the mouth which was the spout. Between the tail and the neck, a slightly bent transverse handle with applied knobs at each end. The painted decoration on the sides features dotted circles and elongated shapes, the face carefully portrayed with a prominent nose and large eyes. The decoration and its fabric would betray Central Asian connections and therefore the attribution to Central Asia seems to be ascertained.

Ancient Near East
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Seller Details :
Barakat Gallery
405 North Rodeo Drive
Beverly Hills
Contact Details :
Email : barakat@barakatgallery.com
Phone : 310.859.8408

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