Splashed Sgraffiato Vessel - AMD.09 - For Sale

Splashed Sgraffiato Vessel - AMD.09
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Splashed Sgraffiato Vessel - AMD.09, Origin: Central Asia, Circa: 1100 AD to 1200 AD, Dimensions: 5.1" (13.0cm) ,high x 6.7" (17.0cm) wide, Collection: Islamic Art, Style: Sgraffiato Ware, Medium: Buff Earthenware, Sgraffiato pottery belonged to one of the most important and earliest wares of Central Asia. It was suggested that the Sgraffiato technique was invented and introduced by the Copts of Egypt as early as the 4th and 5th centuries AD.

Ancient Near East
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Seller Details :
Barakat Gallery
405 North Rodeo Drive
Beverly Hills
Contact Details :
Email : barakat@barakatgallery.com
Phone : 310.859.8408

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