Lustre Painted Jug - LO.751 - For Sale

Lustre Painted Jug - LO.751
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Lustre Painted Jug - LO.751, Origin: Central Asia, Circa: 1200 AD, Dimensions: 6.75" (17.1cm) high, Collection: Islamic Art, Style: Seljuk, Medium: Fritware. Small fritware jug painted in luster over a transparent glaze, the globular body decorated with large vertical splashed bands alternated by thin lines, the upright neck featuring a band of foliate and slip palmettes motives. The whole resting on a small unglazed foot-ring. Lustreware was possibly imported from Egypt at the end of the Fatimid period and then fully mastered by the Persian potters by the mid 12th century CE. During this period, Muslim potters developed a new and finer material than clay, "frit" consisting of about ten parts crushed quartz, one part white clay and one part glass frit made by melting crushed quarts and potash and crushing the substance again.

Ancient Near East
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Barakat Gallery
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