Late Bronze Age Cypriot Sculpture of a Bull - P.0458 - For Sale

Late Bronze Age Cypriot Sculpture of a Bull - P.0458
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Since the dawn of time--on the walls of caves, in temple precincts, in sculpture and painting-- mankind has paid homage to the strength and nobility of the bull. It was worshiped as a sacred animal in Egypt, in Crete, and elsewhere. Throughout antiquity it was considered the ultimate offering to the gods. This powerful clay votive, crafted on Cyprus and exported to Palestine, captures the proud, muscular essence of the animal. We wonder if the gods granted the wishes of the person who sought their favor with this regal gift. - (P.0458)

Ancient Near East
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Seller Details :
Barakat Gallery
405 North Rodeo Drive
Beverly Hills
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Phone : 310.859.8408

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