Perhaps originally worn as a protective amulet, this beautiful sealdepictsabenevolent nature deity surrounded by birds and animals. Created in Ancient Palestine, it evokes the pastoral imagery of the psalms, a world of peaceful abundance, where riches are counted in terms of sheep and goats.Themotifofashepherdgodwatchingoverhisflocks recurs centuries later in Christian iconography. Radiatingaserenemagic,thisexquisite intagliooffersthetimelesspromiseofapeaceablekingdom.-(FJ.3254)Iron Age Limestone Intaglio Seal - FJ.3254Origin: Israel Circa: 900 BC to 700 BCDimensions:875(2.2cm) high x .625" (1.6cm) wide x 1.125" (2.9cm) depth Collection: Biblical Style: Iron Age
Medium: Limestone
Antiquities Ancient Near East