Engraved Bronze Vase - LO.880 - For Sale

Engraved Bronze Vase - LO.880
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Engraved Bronze Vase - LO.880, Origin: Central Asia, Circa: 12 th Century AD to 13 th Century AD, Dimensions: 8.75" (22.2cm) high, Collection: Islamic Art, Medium: Bronze. The elongated vase with a globular body over a large domed splayed foot, topped by a narrow- waisted neck terminating in an everted splayed rim. The rim decorated with an incised row of Kufic script, the shoulder featuring a tall register of circular rosettes intersperced by openworked foliage motis. The main globular body with three horizontal rows of sunken bosses, the central register featuring roundels with an incised knot motif. The splayed foot again with a row of Kufic script.

Ancient Near East
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Seller Details :
Barakat Gallery
405 North Rodeo Drive
Beverly Hills
Contact Details :
Email : barakat@barakatgallery.com
Phone : 310.859.8408

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