Bronze Figure - RP.015 - For Sale

Bronze Figure - RP.015
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This bronze figure was made in ancient Mesopotamia. It is a very fine piece depicting a seated individual. With both arms held firmly to each side one can just make out the figure’s fingers spread slightly along his lap. The head is slightly downcast, with a very prominent nose, almond eyes and a small mouth. Just above the forehead is a circular grove that resembles a fitted cap. The piece has an irregular patina with clear evidence of age.Pieces such as this were made throughout the region currently covered by Iraq, Iran and other Central Asian countries. Mesopotamia is also the birthplace of much that we currently recognize to be complex society, urbanization and civilization. Most areas were controlled by palace-temples that governed religious and social convention, with a resident aristocracy and various priests. Such individuals gathered taxation and ensured the economic and spiritual health of the serfs who worked for them. Pieces such as this bronze figure were used to commemorate important members of the priestly class. This is a powerful piece of ancient sculpture.

Ancient Near East
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Seller Details :
Barakat Gallery
405 North Rodeo Drive
Beverly Hills
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