Gold Pendant Featuring a Romano-Celtic Bronze Horse-Headed Fibula - X.1095 - For Sale

Gold Pendant Featuring a Romano-Celtic Bronze Horse-Headed Fibula - X.1095
Price: $3600.00
This genuine ancient Romano-Celtic bronze fibula has been mounted in a modern 18 karat gold brooch.A fibula is a clasp or broach used in Ancient Greece and Rome to secure garments into place. This particular fibula takes the form of a swastika, that arms of which terminate in four horse heads. Each horse head features an eye, and there is a similar "magic eye" in the center of the fibula where the four arms intersect. Such pieces were crafted in the areas where the Roman and Celtic cultures intersected, around modern day Bulgaria, Hungary, and the Balkans. The presence of equine imagery reveals the importance that the horse held within these two cultures. This fibula would have been worn in antiquity for both practical and talismanic purposes. Today, its beauty, history, and elegance make it a purely ornamental piece that is sure to delight. - (X.1095)
Origin: Mediterranean
Circa: 100 AD to 500 AD
Collection: Jewelry
Style: Romano-Celtic
Medium: Gold and Bronze

Ancient Jewelry
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Barakat Gallery
405 North Rodeo Drive
Beverly Hills
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