Antique Finnish Rya, dated 1925 This charming antique Finnish Rya has a classic Scandinavian folk art design of the eighteenth century rendered with absolute fidelity. Sprays of carnations, tulips, and poppies hover on a striking black ground, surrounding a series of inscriptions. The date of 1925 indicates when the rug was woven; the date of 1798 is probably the date of its archetype, no doubt a family heirloom. This piece was probably copied to serve as a wedding rug, a function Ryas often fulfill. The initials H and K are probably the names of the bride and groom. This rug is a rare testament to the living tradition of carpet weaving in European folk culture right into the modern period.
Style: Region Specific
Origin: Scandinavia
Size: 4. ft 06 in x 7. ft 07 in (1.37 m x 2.31 m)
Antique Rugs