Roman Glass Jug - X.0359 - For Sale

Roman Glass Jug - X.0359
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Wide cylindrical clear light blue glass jug with rounded shoulders and very short neck, a constriction below, muff-shaped profiled rim, horizontally flanged, slightly concave base. The handle wide and flat with dense ribs, bent at a right angle.Although the precise origins of glass are unknown, we do know that the revolutionary technique of glassblowing was invented in the Syrio-Palestine region around 50 B.C., thousands of years after the discovery of glass. Before, glass was made through labor-intensive techniques that limited the vessels to the wealthy elite. However, glassblowing allowed vessels of larger sizes to be produced on a much larger scale and at a markedly faster pace. With the Roman conquest of the Eastern Mediterranean, glassblowing was imported into the heart of Rome along with its Phoenician and Judean makers.

Antique Glass
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Seller Details :
Barakat Gallery
405 North Rodeo Drive
Beverly Hills
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Phone : 310.859.8408

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