Roman Glass Bangle - GF.0342 - For Sale

Roman Glass Bangle - GF.0342
Price: $600.00
Since its earliest invention, glass was popular for jewelry and ornaments. Its translucent brilliance attracted the eye, while its rich colors imitated rarer and more costly gems. This lovely bracelet dates to the period when the art of ancient glassmaking was at its height. The beautiful orange, yellow, black and white bands swirl like waves on an amber sea. They weave and twirl in an endless flow, eternal as nature, entrancing as a kaleidoscope. Its narrow size indicates it was worn by a child. We can easily imagine the young person whose wrist this bracelet adorned so long ago delighted in its charms as much as we do today. - (GF.0342)

Antique Glass
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Seller Details :
Barakat Gallery
405 North Rodeo Drive
Beverly Hills
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Phone : 310.859.8408

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