Classic antique Victorian 14 carat gold ring with a carved coral woman''s face, possibly dating to Ancient Rome, mounted during the early Victorian period . 1830-50. US size 7. Almost 5/8inches long. Great orange-red colour to the coral with no striations in paler shades. The oval-shaped coral is deeply carved by a master into the form of a front-facing woman, beautiful round face, great detail to hair and wearing a crown of some sort. She looks like an Ancient Greek / Roman woman of Royalty and may be a goddess. Very finely done. Old Greek and Roman cameos were re-used by the Georgian and Victorians. The coral is set in a gold mount with delicate triangular openwork pattern on the sides to echo the curves of the clasps that hold the coral. The band is tubular and thin, - looks very elegant, even on a less than elegant finger. The tubular band of this ring is typical of the Georgians, while the clasping mount is more Victorian in style. The inside of the band has something engraved - whether a hallmark or initials, it has been obscured and is not quite legible. The ring was tested for 14 carat gold. Condition is good. Status: For Sale Reference#: 3579 Condition: good Year: 1930 Title: CLASSIC ANTIQUE ROMAN VICTORIAN CARVED CORAL GOLD RING
Antique and Vintage Jewelry Antique Jewelry