Antique 19th C. American Pine Blanket Chest on straight feet with orginal strapwork hinges. H:24" W:4'2" D:22 1/4". This Early American blanket chest is similar in style of an earlier New England chest dated 1792. Chests were common in Colonial and Early American homes since closets were quite rare. Many chests were dated and bore the name or initials of the maker/owner, especially if they were orginally made as a hope chest. Authentic chests of this period were constructed entirely of solid stock, typically made of maple, walnut, birch, butternut, cherry, pine, or whatever wood was handy. The solid-stock-throughout construction did not present a wood movement problem, since early homes, with little insulation and no central heating, were not subject to the prolonged dry winter heat produced by modern heating systems. This particular blanket chest would serve functionally as a coffee table or storage at the end of the bed, it is a very decorative piece. is the web site where one can shop on line or if you are in the area we are an antique dealer in Summerland, California just 3 minutes south of Santa Barbara. Specializing in European Antique Furniture and our accent is antique lighting for your home, or office with handmade parchment shades adorning the selection of unique lamps. We specialize in Decorative Arts and French furniture as well as antique furniture from Spain and Italy, you will find the shop warm and inviting.
Antique Furniture Antique Chests & Trunks