Magnificent antique 3 piece French clock set. This is a rare, original example. We have seen reproductions of this clock. This one is guaranteed to be original and circa 1800. The associated candelabras are 6 lights meaning they hold six candles each. The face of the clock is signed and also marked Paris. Please click picture for enlargements to show signature. The clock is beautifully designed with two bronze flying cherubs holding wreaths decorating the face of the clock. The cherubs are in flight and extremely lifelike. The clock measures 20 inches high, 11-3/4 inches wide and 6-1/2 inches deep. The candelabras at one time may have been electrified or were prepaired to be wired. There is a small hole at the bottom of the candelabra just above the cherubs hand and a small hole on the back of the cherubs shoulder. Most likely this was intended to be wired and electrified. These candelabras were made more than 100 years before electricity was invented. The candelabras measures 26-3/4 inches high, 11 inches wide at the widest point at the top, and 7 inches deep. This is an extraordinary clock set fit for a king. If you have been looking for a superb clock set with beautiful candelabras you have found it here. Sets of this quality rarely if ever appear on the market. The clock strikes the number of hours on the hour and one bell on the hakf hour. . (Item #72743)
Antique Clocks Antique Mantle Clocks